E-T-A is Germany’s digital innovation leaders
The F.A.Z.-Institut - a subsidiary of the renowned „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ - awarded E-T-A with the „Deutschlands digitale Innovationsführer“ (Germany’s digital innovation leaders) certificate again. This means, E-T-A is part of the group of companies that make German economy strong, even in the crisis.
Innovation leaders are special companies and research institutions. They can be characterised by two central features:
- They are extremely innovative.
- Their innovations have crucial influence on the respective innovation field. They are leading the innovation competition.
This analysis is based on the patent activities of the companies and research institutions. They provide a unique, highly differentiated image of the nature and the technological area of the innovation and its inventors.
On behalf of the F.A.Z.-Institut, Prognos has analysed 45,000 patent applications for the „Deutschlands digitale Innovationsführer“ study. They evaluated not only the number of patents, but also their relevance.
E-T-A is working on future switching and protection concepts in ten collaborative research projects with partners from industry and research. During the last five years, E-T-A has applied for about 50 new patents. In total, the company has about 280 live patents from 71 patent categories.